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147 Watchers

Standing Up

13 min read

Sunlight beamed through the leaves, leaving a couple of patterns upon the ground, with some dust particles dancing among the sun beams almost like starlight in a night sky, thus making the Kingdom of Shadows have a more serene look to it. Sparrowpaw, for once, was enjoying it, for the cat her life has been full of struggles, but it was worse after the Snakelily trial. After Sparrowpaw’s initial reaction, calling everyone savages, and running off, not only did the Queen and Raggedmane decide she wasn’t ready to be a medicine cat, but now most of the clan didn’t trust her. Aside from her family members and Alstroemer, many cats of the kingdom either avoided her or downright said they didn't want her to treat them out of fear she would poison them. Even recently she got into a confrontation with her bully, the mate of her sister, Ravenclaw. He always bullied her, but when he got so mad at her for simply doing her duty in taking care of her sister. Despite her sister’s protest, Sparrowpaw agreed to allow Raggedmane to take charge, because the tom was so adamant about it, and well...she didn’t want to cause trouble. Mostly everyone in the Kingdom didn’t trust her so….she just might as well not deepen the wound.

However, she recently found a fatally hurt Chipmunk in which Sparrowpaw named Acorn, now she knew normally any other cat would’ve killed him and turned him into prey. However, she wouldn’t be able to, not to any animal...especially not since the...first day of her training. So she brought him back to the den and tried to take care of him, and he was able to recover which made Sparrowpaw happy. However, it was clear he didn’t trust her, even when she gave him food the rodent would look up at Sparrowpaw with a glare in his eyes. However, it was a look she grew to accept...in fact...at this moment...she just knew it would happen, and just...accepted it. However, she was still happy to take care of the creature even if he didn’t appreciate her help back.

After letting the sun bathe her fur she would go back into the den and grab a couple of leaves, ones that she used to help the she-cat carry herbs. Once she had held the leaves securely between her teeth she would look back at the chipmunk. The little creature was still recovering from it’s initial attack, from what Sparrowpaw observed is that it must’ve had their hindlegs hurt as well for whenever the chipmunk moved he would just limp around, and just let out a couple of soft painfilled squeaks. Luckily he was getting better it seemed, but still he couldn’t go to far off from the Kingdom or else his wounds got better so he often wouldn’t leave the den which clearly agitated the Chipmunk.

Sparrowpaw looked at the little chipmunk looking over a rock glaring hard daggers at her with his bushy tail flicking back and forth. Just waiting to see whether Sparrowpaw was going to turn on him and eat him, a look she honestly grew use too. But instead of being sad, she just smiled and meowed: “I’ll be back...I’m just gonna go out quickly to find more herbs. You stay here and lay low okay?” The chipmunk made no response, instead he just kept glaring at her, letting out what Sparrowpaw guessed was supposed to be growly noises, but instead was more of a chittering noise. Well...it was a response at least, so Sparrowpaw walked off heading out of the Kingdom in hopes to find more herbs for the storage.

The Chipmunk glared at the entrance, his ears perked as he heard the cat's pawsteps becoming more and more distant, and he would remain standing behind the rock for a couple of minutes until he was finally certain that the cat was gone. Once he knew she was 100% gone, the chipmunk would go back to his bed, his eyes tired from constantly staying awake for most of the night, and then...after curling up on the soft leaves, he finally closed his eyes, and slept. Finally at long last, the little chipmunk can finally have some rest.

Hours passed, and Ravenclaw and his posse of friends returned from patrol. Each one of them was laughing all except for Mantisgaze, he was one of the weakest members thus, often the butt of their jokes. Didn’t help that he was younger compared to the others so that made things worse, but he often just allowed the other cats to make fun of him, and would even partake in the bullying of other cats. Probably the biggest example was Sparrowpaw, the littermate of Cardinalflight. Not many understood why Ravenclaw bullied Sparrowpaw so often, sure, after the Snakelily situation one could argue it was justifiable. But he has been cruel to Sparrowpaw even before then, ever since they were kits. However, even if the posse disagreed with how Ravenclaw treated his sister in law, they dared not too. So instead they just followed after him like obedient soldiers. So it wasn’t surprising to Mantisgaze that they would be mocking him, making fun of how he hurt a paw just by slipping on a pile of moss. It was embarrassing enough to be the weakest member of the group but to have made an idiot of himself wasn’t great either.

The group eventually entered into the medicine cat den, Ravenclaw obviously taking the lead and letting out a yowl: “Hello! Raggedmane? You here? We need to see you,” Mantisgaze flinched a little when he felt Ravenclaw slapping his tail against his head and followed up yowling: “Clumsy here hurt his paw from slipping on some moss!” It was followed with some chuckles all the while Mantisgaze just hunched over looking clearly distressed at the situation, and simply muttered: “Come on guys.”

The Chipmunk silently stirred a little from the sounds of yowling and then following with loud chuckling. The Chipmunk let out some annoyed chittering and slowly raised himself up. He just couldn’t get a good night’s sleep could he? Or he suppose good day’s sleep would be the better term. The Chipmunk would slowly peek his head over the rock and then...he felt the hair on his back stand on end. There were so many cats right there and unlike the one called Sparrowpaw, these guys didn’t seem so friendly, especially the large black tom. Realizing the terrible situation he was in, the Chipmunk began to slick his head away from above the rock, and then began to slowly back away, eyes looking back and forth hoping to find some sort of other exit he could take. But then...he felt dread when his paws accidentally stepped on some of the leaves from his bed, and heard the sound of one of the cats meowing. His heart began to beat fast, as he saw a shadow approach him, until one of the cats saw him...looking down at him with a look that was at first shocked...but then transformed into a feral hungry look. Then...he ran. He had to get out of there, despite the pain he felt in his limbs, he knew he had to get away before he could get eaten. At this moment he just ignored the pain and went for it, but then he saw couple of the cats blocking his way, all of them licking their jaws as they glared at the tom. Squeaking in terror he quickly made a hard turn and ran somewhere else, but many of the cats kept chasing him, and the Chipmunk just kept running. Each time he would run in random angles, the cats ruining the nests in the den, and some of the cats would accidentally slam against the wall. Wrecking the herbs that were inside it or making them fall out of the storage. All the while he kept squeaking in terror, until finally, finally the little rodent couldn’t run anymore and found, in his terror, was cornered. He would slowly turn around, to see the group of cats hovering above him, looking hungrily towards him, as their mouths began to salivate as they stared at him. Then, he saw the black tom stalking towards him, clearly ready to pounce, and at this moment...he accepted it. If it wasn’t going to be that hawk it was going to be one of these felines. So he simply closed his eyes, accepting death. But...nothing happened...he heard snarling, but he didn’t feel anything.

After a moment of nothing happening, the Chipmunk finally opened his eyes, and what he saw really shocked him. It was the odd she-cat that rescued him, but something about her was different. Not only was she in a fighting position, but she was also in a position that looked like it was prepared for battle, and an angry snarl escaped her mawl and it was...something he truly didn’t expect.

Sparrowpaw snarled at Ravenclaw, her amber eyes filled with agitation as she looked up at him as she protected the only friend she really had in the whole clan. She had no idea really what came over her, all she saw was Ravenclaw threatening the chipmunk she rescued, and she for once saw red. All the while Ravenclaw and his friends just looked in shocked and for once...fear. Even Mantisgaze who was witnessing the chaos even had his jaws drop in shock. This...this was new that was for sure. However, the fear in Ravenclaw’s gaze turned into hostility and quickly snarled into her face, getting all into her face with a large angry snarl down at her.

“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING TRYING TO PULL?” Sparrowpaw flinched a little when he got into her face, her face slowly losing it’s anger, as she felt her chest heaving from the panic she was feeling. But she knew she had to do something, so instantly she got back to his face and yowled:

“PROTECTING MY FRIEND YOU FOXHEART!” Her chest heaving, her amber eyes glowing angrily as she glared at Ravenclaw and his friends. Until finally she managed to calm herself down, trying hard to get herself back to normal, and meowed in an muttering tone: “Now...leave...you already caused a big enough mess as it is...LEAVE,” Ravenclaw glared down at Sparrowpaw, their eyes locking hard at each other, until finally he meowed:

“FINE,” he and his friends stalked away, until finally Ravenclaw glared at her and growled: “You really ARE like Snakelily aren’t you...both of you are so delusional. Honestly the queen should’ve imprisoned you with Snakelily,” then...he went away leaving only Sparrowpaw, the chipmunk, and Mantisgaze in the den. Sparrowpaw waited until they were finally gone...and then...she fell. Her chest heaving, her eyes large, and began to pant hard. Her expression was nothing more than panic and then...tears began to fall from her eyes as Ravenclaw’s words sunk deep into her mind, then...she hid her face underneath her paws...her body shaking.

The chipmunk looked at her, his eyes wide with shock, and then when he heard her crying had an expression mixed with confusion, guilt, and surprise. He honestly thought of her as this huge threat, that she was just waiting to kill him, yet...she just saved him right there and then from the jaws of death. A little part of him thought it could still be a trap, but if it was...why would she allow herself to risk herself for him. It just seemed...illogical to him.

At first, the chipmunk just stared at her, uncertain what to do, until finally...he approached her, and then….to Sparrowpaw’s surprised began to nuzzle her face all the while letting out some reassuring chattering noises. Sparrowpaw’s golden eyes were wide with shock clearly not expecting any of this.Sparrowpaw looked at the chipmunk who looked up at her and for once...there didn’t seem to be hatred in his eyes, but instead a very trusting and caring gaze. At first, she just stared, and then she quickly grabbed him. At first he was worried but then calmed down as he felt her hugging him all the while she kept on crying. At first...he was relieved that it wasn’t a trap, but then...he looked up at her as she continued to cry and then snuggled into her fur...continuing to give her comforting chattering noises.

All the while Mantisgaze just looked at them….looking unsure whether he should say anything until finally he meowed: “Um...hi...uh sorry but um...I...I was hoping you’d help,” this...helped snap Sparrowpaw out of it, as she looked back at the tom feeling embarrassed that she once again showed how weak she was. She slowly stood up and whipped the tears away from her eyes and meowed: “O...Of course...I...I’m sorry Mantisgaze,” she slowly approached the tom and examined him and then asked: “So what happened?”

“I uh...twisted my ankle after a slipped on some moss,” he meowed awkwardly expecting some form of laughter, but instead she smiled down to him and softly meowed: “Well don’t worry...just with some herbs and you’ll be as bright as rain again,” she turned around and sighed sadly when she looked at the ruined herbs. Well...Raggedmane wasn’t going to be happy that’s for sure. Sparrowpaw began to examine the herbs checking to see which ones were good, and which ones she would need to throw away, and she could feel a sense of sadness in her chest as she continued….until suddenly, she felt something poking at her. She looked down and what Sparrowpaw saw was her new chipmunk friend, he smiled up at her and then nudged one of the herbs to her. Sparrowpaw looked down at him, her eyes stared at him with surprise then...she smiled. “Thank you...hey...how about we work together. You go find some herbs that weren’t wrecked and I’ll take care of our patient...would that be okay?” The chipmunk stared at Sparrowpaw for a bit, then...like that he began to scour the herbs clearly trying to find some herbs that weren’t ruined, upon realizing he understood her Sparrowpaw went back to Mantisgaze and began to help him out, and then when the chipmunk found a herb that wasn’t ruined, he would help put it into a pile for Sparrowpaw.

She couldn’t help but smile when she saw her new friend helping her out, it felt nice to have company, and so...for the rest of her day she couldn’t help but continually smile. Finally at last...she had a friend.

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*= Poppyspark (Me)
**= Redwood (KnifeDad888)

** It was a cool New-leaf night; a stark difference to the blasting sun that afternoon brought them. The past few days had become hotter and hotter, a clear sign of the new season rolling in to melt the snow of leafbare and bring new life to the kingdoms. Despite enjoying the cold, Redwood always looked forward to the turning of the seasons. Especially the transformation into new-leaf. The heat would take some adjusting to, but for now he would enjoy the cool relief that the ocean breeze provided. 

It was this night that Redwood would be sitting alone atop a boulder; still warm beneath his pads from being exposed to the sun all day. His fur would shimmer with a silver tint in the harsh moonlight, and he'd move to lay down to rest against the warm stone. A comforting contrast to the chilly night air. There he would rest; waiting patiently for the curly fur of the trapper, Poppyspark, to peak out above the tall grasses of Summerset fields. The two had been meeting quite regularly since their first encounter; and each interaction with the flirtatious Shadows cat was better than the last. She was interesting. Which is better than what he could say for most of the cats he talked to on a daily basis. She was Charming, playful… relaxing. He found he could escape the world in her company. And escape was exactly what he’s looking for.

The red tom would let out a sigh, casting a lazy glance across the fields towards the Shadow’s end of the border once more and then up towards the cloudless night. Wondering if he’d gotten the date for their meetup right. Where could she be? At least the stars were in full shine tonight. This would offer him a pleasant distraction as he awaited his companion.

For most of the day a lot of cats have been congratulating the she cat, kept on praising her, and said how wonderful what she was going through was. However, as of right now, it brought her NOTHING but annoyance and distress. She never wanted any of this, she didn't like the idea of this, and many cats kept asking her questions she couldn't answer. However, it wasn't that was the worst part, for the opposite, what the worst part was that she no longer could have the freedom she once had. 

I was once so beautiful. She thought to herself. And now I'm feeling like an old crone. She wasn't even a month in and already she felt heavier and could feel herself wobbling a little. This brought her great annoyance and she couldn't help but constantly curse at herself and the predicament that she was in. 

Even now there was no great comfort, for seeing Redwood would once bring her joy and pleasure, brought new concern because now she had to tell him the news, but how to say it was another. 

Finally, after many hours she came to their secret place, her chest heaving out of exhaustion, and a look of weariness was in her eyes. 

 "S..sorry for being late Redwood dear," she meowed, trying to think of a valid excuse. "I...I got caught up in something," 

Brilliant. She thought to herself angrily. That's a perfectly LAME excuse. However, she wasn't going to let him know her true feelings and would just quickly fix herself up before coming next to him and sitting by his side.

The red tom would flick his ears when the sound of approaching footsteps drifted to his attention. Orange eyes would turn from the stars and down towards the rustling and breathing below him. It was dark, but the moonlight was enough to illuminate the pelt of Poppyspark as she waddled her way up the rock to his side. Redwood would release a purr and rise to his feet. Rasping a tongue over her ear in greeting.

”Don’t fret darling, I understand. It’s good to see you~” He’d meow, shifting around to sit and angle himself to face the she-cat more directly. The smile on his muzzle faded quickly however. something was wrong. Poppyspark seemed disturbed. If her weary expression was anything to go by. Redwood would inspect the she-cat up and down with narrow eyes, attempting to see if she had been hurt. He was only able to faintly register that it seemed she might have put on a bit of weight. But he hardly paid that any mind. There didn’t seem to be anything physically wrong with her, which only made him worry more.

”You seem distressed tonight, Poppyspark.” He’d rumble, shifting closer and slowly moving his paw over to rest lightly under her chin. ”Is there something troubling you? Did something happen?”

Well should've figured he would figure it out...mousedung. She thought to herself with slight agitation. However, she knew it was better to tell him the truth now, besides the tom deserved to know. 

    "Well, it's nothing...'bad' or at least not life threatening I can reassure you that," she meowed trying to be somewhat comforting thought she highly doubted it was working. "You see, I went to see our kingdom's medicine cat Raggedmane and Snakelily this morning, and well...they gave me some news," she paused at first, unsure how she should say it until finally she let out a soft meow: "I'm...I'm going to have kits," 

    There should've been some form of relief for her, however the she cat could still feel some tension rising in her stomach and chest. Most of this anxiety was brought upon the fact that she had no idea how Redwood would respond, and worse yet how they would explain this. No we won't tell our clan! She quickly reassured herself. We can think of something. However the anxiety didn't stop and she still felt slightly sick to her stomach.

The deputy could feel the anxiety radiating from the little she-cat in waves, and it was causing a nervous flutter in his chest. His ears would flick as he listened to her speak, the feeling growing more intense as she went on. The medicine cats… news… The pieces seemed to connect before she even confirmed it, but as soon as the word kits fell from her mouth, Redwood’s head would jerk back and jaws would fall agape. His mind suddenly going blank with shock. The tom would lower his paw and turn his amber eyes to the stone below him. Contemplating what she said and the weight her words held. He’d remain that way for a few tense moments before finally moving to speak again.

”Kits” He’d meow dumbly. Still trying, and failing, to process what was happening. ”Dear starclan… kits? Are they… Are they ours? Mine?” Redwood felt lightheaded, and he’d turn to face Poppyspark again. Orange eyes blown wide and focused intensely on the she-cat’s belly. Why hadn’t he noticed before? He should have caught on as soon as she arrived. Was he truly that blind? It seemed foolish to ask if they were his, the answer was quite obvious, but doubt still sat on the edge of his mind. Could she have been seeing another tom while they were together? He wanted to reach out to her, comfort her, but he needed to know for sure first. Needed to know if these kits could possibly be his.

In any other instance she would've meowed something sarcastic, something quick witted towards him like something like: "No it was one of the elders" or "no I just MAGICALLY got myself expecting kittens." However she found herself with no energy to make those type of slide of remarks, probably due to how serious the situation was, for the both of them. She finally nodded her head looking at him with a look of exhaustion in her eyes. "Yeah...you're the dad," she meowed. He was the only tom she spent most time with, the only cat who she had been seeing recently, it was of course him. However now, there was the matter of the question of...what they were going to do now? 

Redwood’s dazed gaze shifted from Poppyspark’s stomach to her eyes as she spoke. A strangled noise crawling out of his throat when she confirmed his suspicions. He was to be a father… again? The wave of different emotions that came over him was jarring. It was too much. The deputy would immediately rise to his feet and begin pacing back and forth across the boulder. 

Kits… more children… He’d never even imagined having any more kits after his little Redpaw. She was his one and only. Or at least, she was. The prospect of having more… A sudden warm feeling would bloom in his chest, but quickly turned cold once more when reality dawned on him. They were from two different kingdoms. He was a deputy. His career, everything he’s worked for was at stake now. And Poppyspark… her reputation could be ruined. Redwood would snarl and lash his tail, the conflicting emotions making him frustrated. ”Poppyspark… what are we going to do?” He’d growl, slowing down his pacing when he reached the edge of the boulder. Redwood would narrow his eyes and face the stars. Silently cursing whatever deity had brought such a thing upon them. He’d stand there for a moment as he pondered the situation.  ”What if… you could move to the Tides or… or we could… Run away...” He knew his ramblings were nonsense, but not having a clear plan was driving him mad. If she simply stayed in the Shadows he may never see his kits... but if their relationship was public, their reputations could be tarnished.

With a sigh, Redwood would slowly turn to face Poppyspark again. Defeated. The tom would pad over to the she-cat and press his head against hers in an attempt to ground himself and comfort her. ”This… is all confusing. “ He’d sigh, feeling a bit dizzy from all the strain. "What do /you/ want?"

Poppyspark watched the tom pace around, clearly looking frantic, an expression that honestly was something that the she cat expected, and in honesty she couldn't say that she wasn't freaking out herself. However, she realized that it wouldn't help either of them if they both started to panic, and honestly could cause things to become worse for the both of them. 

"Alright, I think the first thing I want you to do is calm down," she meowed firmly, putting a paw gently on his shoulder in hopes that would help.

   Once he finally calmed down she finally meowed: "I'm going to be very honest...I don't know what we should do. Certainly we can't run away, for one thing you have a kingdom to lead, and if that happened cats would be suspicious of both of us, and I don't think moving to Tides will change anything because if they see me they'll INSTANTLY put two and two together and realize you were in a relationship with me, and you could lose your position," she explained.

** The tom would let out a long sigh, nodding his head along as the little she-cat spoke. ”I… I know dear. I apologize for my reaction.” He’d meow, sitting upright once more to meet Poppyspark’s gaze. He’d study her for a moment with a deep frown, then reach out a paw to rest on hers. 

The she-cat's response to his foolish ideas was logical, and of course made sense. He knew they couldn’t stay together. It was foolish to believe they could. But Redwood was not a man of logic when it came to matters of the heart. ”What do you propose we do then? We both return to our separate lives as if we’d never met? You will return to your kingdom and bear the weight of motherhood on your own?” He’d growl, flicking his tail in frustration. *He’d never be able to see his offspring.* Never get a second chance to be the father he’d always wanted to be. And Poppyspark, she’d be all alone with their children… A deep unsettling feeling sat in Redwood’s gut. *she’d be alone… just like…* A small croak would release from his throat and he’d shake the thought from his head. It was happening *again*.

”These kits are just as much my responsibility as they are yours. How will I be able to help you if we’re separated?” He'd snap. Redwood could feel he was losing control again, so he'd take a deep breath and release a long sigh before adding on a bit softer- "I don't want you to be alone in this, Poppyspark."

*Poppyspark looked at him looking equally sad, the one tom she truly liked, the one tom she actually wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with, and she can't be with him. To say it was heartbreaking was WIDELY an understatement. However, she knew that if Red wanted to remain a deputy and continue guarding his kingdom they would have to and it just...hurt her on so many levels. 

    "I know Red," she meowed sadly. At least they'll be Blue and Pale, so it won't be like I'm completely alone. It still soured her taste however and was slowly beginning to resent having these kits. If it weren't for this...I would still be with him...I'd still be happy. 

    She finally let out a sigh and meowed: "And I don't wish to be alone either," she then thought of something that wouldn't solve anything, but it would at least let their goodbyes be...easier. "I...I just thought of something and...it's okay if you say no but...what...what if I give you some of the kits. You pick how many you want and which one you want," she added. "I'll sneak them out during night time and bring them here, and don't worry I'll just make it look like a fox snuck in the den...no one will suspect a thing," she quickly added.

** The next few words out of Poppyspark’s mouth caused Redwood’s ears to flick in surprise. He’d look up at her with wide eyes, jaw slightly agape. **”You… you would be willing to part with one of your kits?”** The idea confused him. Was she truly so comfortable to part with one of her own offspring? He may have been surprised, but at the same time It made sense to him. Neither of them were ready for a commitment like this… Not right now. If he could help her by taking a kit off her paws to be raised in the Tides, he would do it. And he would do it gladly.

**”I could- I mean, of course I’d be happy to do so darling. Though, any more than one kit may arouse too many suspicions… If there is more than one kit in the litter, I will take one of them. Any of them; you can choose.”** He’d purr, leaning closer to rasp his tongue across her head. If they had to cut ties, never see eachother again, he would be honored to keep a piece of her beside him. He will not make the same mistake he did with Redpaw. *This kit will adore me, I will be sure of it.*

No matter how thrilled he may be by the prospect of having another child in his life, Redwood needed to make sure Poppyspark was certain about this decision. If a single kit went missing… cats may become suspicious. They didn’t need other paws poking around in their business. “This is incredibly risky. Sneaking out of camp with a litter of kits to meet with me... one going missing... if cats started getting suspicious we could be ruined. You need to be absolutely sure.”

*"Of course I would," she meowed gently letting out a small purr. "I want you to have something to remember me so that no matter how far away we are...you have someone to remind you of me," Poppyspark smiled gently when she felt him licking her and let out a soft purr. She was truly going to miss him....a lot and just thinking of now losing him has hurt her deep in her heart more than anything in the world. I just want to be with him forever...oh Starclan...why did you do this to me? He then asked her whether she was absolutely sure, and a part of her wanted to say no. Of course she wasn't completely sure, so many things could go wrong, however at the same time, she knew that it wouldn't be a good situation whether they are found out or not. At least Redwood won't lose his title and would be able to continue his life...even if it meant her life wasn't normal anymore. "I'm sure," she simply meowed, nodding her head firmly with an intense and determined gaze. 

Despite how stressful- how much pain this whole situation may bring, Redwood couldn’t help the soft purr that rumbled through his chest at the she-cat's determined answer. For just this moment, things seemed like they were going to be okay. He was going to have another chance to be a father again… It was a tad overwhelming. The tom thought he had cursed himself moons ago when he’d... but it seems fate would give him this opportunity once more. A second chance to get it right. If he were a weaker man, perhaps he would have cried. But no, not tonight. Instead, Redwood would continue to purr and press his head against Poppyspark’s, flicking his tail and wrapping it around her own.

”I’m glad. What a lovely gift you’ve given me tonight.” He’d rumble, turning his fiery gaze towards the sky. Now thanking the same stars he had cursed not moments ago. ”This is going to be burdensome. For us both. But… I don’t regret sharing this experience with you.” He’d sigh, reflecting back on the time they’d spent together. He would miss the lovely Poppyspark dearly. He only hoped that he may have had the same impact on her life as she did on his. Despite how short-lived their romance seemed.”I swear to you we’ll make this work. And even if we may never share a moment like this again, I will never forget it. Or you.”

"Nor I with you," she whispered as she pressed her cheek against his fur as if she was trying so hard to remember the smell and feel of it. She would never forget this tom, she hasn't felt this way since her first love, and now she can feel her heart being torn into two, and in truth...she doubted she would ever fall in love again. Just please...please never forget me. She thought to herself desperately. 

Redwood would release a soft huff when he felt the trapper press closer. And he’d gently lift a paw to rest on her side. He wished they could have stayed like that forever. A loving embrace underneath a moonlit sky...  It was so comforting to hold someone again. No one held him like this in his kingdom, not since Heatherheart. Not many were interested in being close to him the way that Poppyspark was. Though, to be fair, he’d never really tried. He never knew how much he needed that kind of affection again in his life; and how desperately he had missed it. Perhaps this new kit could bring light into his life again. He hoped so, at least.

The pair would remain pressed together for a while, until the red tom finally let out a long sigh. They couldn’t stay there much longer, their kingdoms would be missing them. Slowly, Redwood would begin to untangle himself from Poppyspark’s embrace and take a few steps back. He’d reach forward and rasp his tongue one last time over her head. 

”Duty calls, Poppyspark.” He’d meow at last, a twinge of sadness resting in his chest. ”Please keep yourself safe as you return back to camp. I will make sure to come to this spot as often as I can to try and catch you. I’m... eager to see what comes of this.” He’d promise, finally taking a full step back to turn and face the direction of the Tides camp. ”Until we cross paths again, my dear. Farewell.” And with that, the deputy would pounce down from the rock to quietly slip into the night. Only looking back a few times to admire the she-cat’s fur in the moonlight before finally disappearing from sight.

Redwood would release a soft huff when he felt the trapper press closer. And he’d gently lift a paw to rest on her side. He wished they could have stayed like that forever. A loving embrace underneath a moonlit sky...  It was so comforting to hold someone again. No one held him like this in his kingdom, not since Heatherheart. Not many were interested in being close to him the way that Poppyspark was. Though, to be fair, he’d never really tried. He never knew how much he needed that kind of affection again in his life; and how desperately he had missed it. Perhaps this new kit could bring light into his life again. He hoped so, at least.

The pair would remain pressed together for a while, until the red tom finally let out a long sigh. They couldn’t stay there much longer, their kingdoms would be missing them. Slowly, Redwood would begin to untangle himself from Poppyspark’s embrace and take a few steps back. He’d reach forward and rasp his tongue one last time over her head. 

”Duty calls, Poppyspark.” He’d meow at last, a twinge of sadness resting in his chest. ”Please keep yourself safe as you return back to camp. I will make sure to come to this spot as often as I can to try and catch you. I’m... eager to see what comes of this.” He’d promise, finally taking a full step back to turn and face the direction of the Tides camp. ”Until we cross paths again, my dear. Farewell.” And with that, the deputy would pounce down from the rock to quietly slip into the night. Only looking back a few times to admire the she-cat’s fur in the moonlight before finally disappearing from sight.

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* = Poppyspark (me)
** = Redwood  (KnifeDad888)

Poppyspark didn't really have much to do, she had just finished the last trap that she needed to do, and at this point she just wanted to have some r&r from another hard day at work. 

Thus she decided to go for a little walk around Shadow's border just to enjoy the beautiful view, and maybe find a nice rock to sunbathe herself in. It was such a nice and beautiful fall day, the leaves were now multiple colors, and the cold breeze forced the leaves to begin to fall onto the earth decorating the ground with all sorts of shades of yellow, orange, and red. It just felt so tranquil and relaxing. Ah yes such a wonderful day! Poppyspark thought to herself while purring to herself. 

Redwood had spent the majority of his morning pacing along the kingdom’s border. He wasn’t… quite sure what he was hoping to find out here. But he needed some kind of distraction. Anything to take his mind off of his little Redpaw. Along with the added stress of his newly appointed deputy position, the red tom was beginning to wear himself thin. Was that a gray fur sticking out of his mane?

It wasn’t often he had time to himself anymore, so he decided to spend this opportunity to admire the beautiful fall weather. Redwood would quit his pacing and leap atop a nearby fallen tree trunk to finally lay down and settle his nerves. He’d sprawl his legs across the thick bark and let his tail fall and dangle off the side. Amber eyes would trail his surroundings, admiring the beautiful red-orange leaves that had begun to litter the ground. It was… peaceful. As a sudden gust of chilly air tossed his fur, Redwood would lift his muzzle to the breeze. He smiled for a moment and took in the crisp air- until something else caught his attention. A sudden strong scent of another cat. Not just any cat, a Shadow’s cat. Redwood would perk his head up immediately, but continue to remain in his comfortable position. Instead he would snap his eyes to and from the different edges of the woods to try and catch sight of who may be near. 

Poppyspark hummed to herself as she finally got to the edge of the wood and entered what seemed like a meadow. Even in the colder weather there still seemed to be some flowers that clung onto the surface world just to show the world the last remains of their beauty before the harsh cold winter would come to destroy them. 

 It was honestly sad that these flowers would one day whither and day, it made Poppyspark realize the heartache of time and aging, in truth if there was one thing she hated aside from being called "short" WAS the concept that one day she would become old. Just by the fact she was worried that she would lose her beauty and become an ugly old she-cat. However she dared not imagine that, no she should just enjoy the morning, and be happy with her current life. So she just sighed, sat down and allowed the wind to ruffle her curly pelt. The breeze truly felt good against her fur and she was loving it. 

Redwood remained frozen atop his log, scanning the nearby trees to see if any movement would catch his attention. It was only a few moments of tense silence before a cat would emerge from the undergrowth only a little ways away from where the red tom was lounging. He must have been well protected by the tall grasses of the meadow, since it didn't seem like this mysterious cat could see him. He watched with narrow eyes as the cat moved farther into his territory and sat along the edge of the field, their long fur tossing gently in the breeze. 

Slowly, Redwood would slink down from his perch and stalk closer, eyes never leaving the figure of the intruder. He didn't really know what he was going to do. Attack or talk? He didn't make up his mind until he was only a little ways away. Closer now, the deputy could see this cat was incredibly small. An apprentice? he'd carefully lift himself from his crouch and take a few steps closer, making himself known. "Hello there, friend." His voice would rumble. A small growl would form at the end of his sentence, but he'd lift his tail in greeting. 

Poppyspark quickly turned around when she heard a rumbling voice approaching her and when she looked at the tom she was instantly taken back by him. He had a darkish brown red fur with tabby markings along his body and a couple of scars across his face. 

   Yet despite these blemishes he seemed very handsome to Poppyspark's eyes, she's always been into large toms, especially ones that had a deep sounding voice. Instantly she was incredibly taken by him but of course she didn't wish for him to know that she wanted it to be a guessing game.

   "Oh hello there," she meowed, straightening herself up, and puffing out her chest. "I didn't know there was a Tide cat around here!" 

Redwood would freeze when the stranger's eyes finally met his own. Waiting to see what she would do. At this distance he was finally close enough to take the cat in. It was a she-cat, an incredibly small one too. But her face felt more mature than one of an apprentice, though she did seem fairly young. He wouldn't deny that she was beautiful. The mixture of dark, ginger and white markings was quite unique. He'd never seen marking like that before. Her posture also seemed friendly, open. Interesting... 

When the mysterious cat spoke, his amber eyes would fly back up once more to meet her blue ones. At her comment, Redwood would quirk up a brow and smirk. Astonished. "You weren't expecting to see a tides cat here? You are along our border, you know." Despite the subtle warning, his voice was laced with good humor. All thoughts of a fight gone from his head; talking to this cat seemed much more inviting. He'd take a few steps closer, careful to keep his posture non-threatening. "It's a pleasure, as always, to meet a cat from the Shadows kingdom." He'd purr, dipping his head politely. "My name is Redwood, what might yours be my dear?"

Poppyspark just gave the tom a small smirk when he mentioned how she was pretty close to his own territory, and just let out a purr.  "Well to be fair, I haven't had a break from my duties in such a long while so I thought going for a stroll would be nice for me," she then gave him a wink all the while the smirk still remained on her face.

   "Besides you don't seem to be that mad with me so it doesn't seem to be that bad hmm?" she gave him a flirtatious look, the same look she ALWAYS gave to every tom that came by her, but this one in particular very much interested her. Then he introduced himself and her fascination with him furthered. Redwood. She thought to herself. Such an interesting name. 

"Well it's lovely to meet you sir Redwood," she meowed. "My name is Poppyspark," 

** A small laugh would escape from Redwood's mouth as he listened to the she-cat speak; he was quite amused by this stranger's confidence. He wouldn't complain though. It was rare to find a cat so willing to sit and have a conversation. "I understand. I'm actually doing the same. It isn't often one gets some time to take a break from their duties." He'd meow with a pleasant hum. "How lucky we are to run into each other." With her next comment he'd return a playful grin. Feeling more relaxed, the larger tom would settle down with a tail wrapped around his paws. "Hmm? No. I'm not upset. It seems you aren't either. So I'm just going to assume we're both too friendly for our own good." He really shouldn't still be here, talking to this cat. She was from the rival kingdom for heaven's sake. But... What's the harm in a little playful banter? Surly his duties could wait for a little while~

When the she-cat finally introduced herself as Poppyspark, his brows would shoot up with faint surprise. "Mm, Poppyspark you say?" So she was a warrior. He had to admit he felt a bit relieved. He... probably shouldn't bring up the height thing... Instead he'd meow, "What a beautiful name. Truly fitting for a cat such as yourself~" The red tom would release a purr with a small wink of his own. Poppyspark was interesting, refreshing. He liked her already. 

"Hmmm why thank you very much," she purred now at this point puffing out her chest at this moment to make herself look even more attractive towards the tom (usually this often worked for other toms but who knows anything could be possible). She then flirtatiously bumped his shoulder with her own giving him the look of a sly fox. "You're name isn't bad yourself Sir Redwood," she purred, her blue eyes looking at him in such an alluring way. "Certainly fits you I can see why that name was chosen for you," she added still smirking towards the tom. 

   He was in truth a very handsome cat and already she liked him very much herself, certainly strong looking too, a fine quality in a tom. 

After hearing the little warrior praise his own name in return, the red-coated tom would lift up his head pridefully and puff out his own fluffy chest. His name was something he took great pride in, and hearing someone else mention it was quite the stroke to his ego. “Hah! Why thank you! I wasn't born clan cat like the others, but I was always humored that ’redwood’ sounded similar to the their naming structure. ‘Red-wood’” Redwood would chuckle and rasp a tongue over his chest; peaking an amber eye over to the pretty she-cat as he did so. “Because of that, I like to think I was always destined to meet clan cats. And… indirectly...  I suppose I was destined to meet you~” He’d purr at that and turn his head to face his new friend. To his surprise, when his amber eyes landed on hers once more, he was immediately thrown back to the first time he met… Heatherheart... At the thought of the she-cat, Redwood would feel a sudden sharp pain in his chest. His face would fall into a frown before he quickly shoved the thought from his brain. The flirtatious grin gracing his muzzle once more. In an effort to hide his little slip-up, the deputy would direct another question back to her. “Were you a clan cat before the merge, Poppyspark? Or were you originally a kingdom cat like me? What was your life like before everything changed?”

Poppyspark smiled confidently at the tom and gave the tom an equally flirtatious look. Finally a tom that has manners and knows how to treat ladies. She thought to herself. For most of her young life a lot of toms often teased her about her most notably for her short size and the only tom that seemingly respected her turned out to only acted attracted to her out of pity and nothing more. Just thinking about that tom made her blood boil, she felt just so used, and felt so puny. She never forgave him nor his mate since and most likely never will be.

    However, Poppyspark would notice a quick change in his expression, it was fast, but she was still able to catch it. The expression was something of sadness and though he got it away from his face she still would forever remember that look. I wonder then. She thought to herself. I wonder what that was about. Yet she decided to not ask him and just sat before him all elegant like. 

   Then he asked about Poppyspark's origins whether she was a clan cat or a kingdom cat. She smiled at him and meowed: "Actually, I was a kingdom cat just like you," she then licked her paws and began to wipe the back of her ear. "I lived under the rule of King Sycomore along with the other cats at least until I was an apprentice. That's when our Queen Maskedflame came in and took control of the kingdom. Though I do have high regards for our queen just for her strength and bravery against enemies," she then gave Red another flirtatious look then set her paw down after grooming herself. "Though, I doubt she's as brave as you hmm Redwood?" she purred. 

A soft ‘ah’ would fall from his jaws when he learned of her origins. A kingdom cat like himself, eh? How interesting. “It was strange having so many strangers make themselves at home in our lands and take over the kingdoms with such ease. Was the transition hard for you?” He’d meow, curious of what it was like when Maskedflame took over the Shadow Kingdom. From what he heard, her takeover of the kingdom was… much more bloody than his own Queen’s.

 He’d listen politely as Poppyspark continued to speak, nodding his head along as she described her thoughts on the queen. When she wrapped the conversation back around to him, he’d give her a playful smile. “Oh of course i’m brave- If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be from the Tides now would I?” He’d allow himself this small boast. He’d lift his head high and give her his best ‘yes, i’m royalty and I know it’ pose before chuckling and turning his attention back to the Shadow’s feline. “Ah, I joke of course. I would assume she’s far braver than many of us. Taking control of a kingdom is no easy feat for the weak-spirited.” He’d humm thoughtfully, glancing at Poppyspark with a glint in his eye. “Ah, I could see you as a queen though, Poppyspark. You’re charming and beautiful, what else would you need?” 

Poppyspark was mostly smiling to seem more attractive towards the tom, but when he began to make royal looking poses and chuckling the she cat couldn't help but to make a legitimate giggle in return. He's such an odd cat isn't he? She thought to herself now finally holding back her giggling fits. Certainly interesting and quite handsome to add to it. In truth her interest in this tom was growing stronger and the more she wanted to get to know this tom more. 

 Her ears perked when he mentioned about her being queen about how she was charming and beautiful. Obviously she puffed out her chest and held her head high from the praise, to give the facade of already knowing this, but in truth she was extremely flattered he would say this. However she of course would not let this tom know this. 

 "Hmmm well of course," she meowed, looking proud and confident. "My beauty is known far and wide and often a lot of other females grow green with envy," she went on. Then, she would give him a similar glint and then lightly nudged his shoulder with her own. "Though you're not bad looking yourself handsome," she flirted. 

Redwood would let out a short chuckle at Poppyspark's reaction to his compliment. "Oh, I don't doubt that many of the other she-cat's you've come across were jealous of your beauty. They must have perished from all their jealousy~" He'd purr, lifting his head up high and glancing down at her with a mischievous grin. "Queen Poppyspark! It suits you quite well. All we need now is to find you a kingdom to take over." Redwood would chuckle at that.

At the she-cat’s praises toward himself, Redwood would quirk a brow. “Ah, You think I’m handsome, do you?” He’d tease, swishing his tail confidently around his paws and fluffing up the fur around his neck. “If looks were all that mattered to become royalty, would that make me a king then? Hmm… Queen Poppyspark and King Redwood- My, that does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” He’d meow, shooting his new friend a playful wink. The casual banter was fun, but Redwood found he was eager to get to know this she-cat more, and so he’d turn to face her directly. A question leaving his jaws. “What is it you do for the kingdom when you’re not flirting with cats on the border? What rank do you hold?”

She puffed out her chest in pride when he continued to compliment her and smiled a very confident smile. At this point it was obvious he was winning her with his endless flattering and sweet words and in truth she wouldn't mind if the tom just kept on giving her endless compliments. When he clearly gave her the flirtatious wink she would give him a devious and mischievous look herself an expression that was filled with so much flirtatious attitude and mischievous delight. She really did like this tom a lot, certainly a funny tom to be sure, and he was still as striking as he was. Certainly a handsome tom that's for sure. Then of course, he asked what her rank was, she smiled, and began to groom her beautiful pelt. "I'm a trapper," she meowed bluntly. "I help my clanmates make traps so we can catch enemies and prey," she added finally looking back at him again. "Never like the idea of getting myself hurt if I was a guard nor do I like the idea of running either, so a trapper seemed like the most logical choice," Poppyspark then smiled once again. "How about you big guy? What's YOUR rank?" 

** Redwood could see that his endless words of flattery were starting to get to the little she-cat's mind. Not like he minded stroking her ego a bit, in fact. Speaking with the she-cat was delightful. He was finding himself more and more enchanted by her as they continued their playful banter. "A trapper! My, what a charming profession." Redwood would purr, "It suits you, I say. You've certainly trapped me with your charm, my dear. I'm glad you decided to stick with it too. You wouldn't want to batter up your beautiful fur with guard duty!" The red tom would chuckle and flick his tail lightly against her side to admire her long coat. It certainly was beautiful. When the she-cat inquired about his own rank, he'd flash her a wicked grin. "Me? Well, it's obvious isn't it? I'm a Deputy." He'd meow flat out. No use keeping it a secret. Not with her. "You're in the presence of royalty sweetheart~" Redwood would boast with pride, puffing out his chest. "Before I was granted that honor however, I served as a Runner. It's not as flashy as your trapper duties, but it was fine work. These legs could get me across the kingdoms within an hour, I can promise you that!" The red tom would rise from his seated position as he said this, following the movement gracefully with a long stretch of his limbs to show off his runners legs. He'd worked hard to gain his muscular form, and of course he'd have to show it off.

Poppyspark smirked at Redwood's constant compliments and would continue to puff out her chest. Praises, it was certainly her favorite thing in the whole world, and honestly it might as well have been her main meal for everything. Then, her ears pricked when she heard he was a deputy, she didn't expect to catch the eyes of the Tide Kingdom's deputy of all cats, and instantly she was falling for him even more than before. A man of POWER oooh I like a man in charge. She thought to herself. "Well as much as runner was appropriate, I say the title of deputy is FAR more accurate to you Sir Red," she purred, giving him a flirtatious wink. 

Redwood would huff at her persistent flirtations; Tail flicking playfully behind him. She was not ashamed was she? Well. neither was he. It was quite refreshing to meet one so open as Poppyspark. How very charming. "The runner's duties were suitable for my needs at the time, but of course I was always more interested in... A leadership-like position~" He'd rumble, moving back up from the stretches he had been doing before to stand leisurely in front of her. His body fully relaxed and a lazy smirk on his face. "At the risk of sounding vain, I must agree with you darling. I feel much more at ease passing out orders rather than taking them." He'd chuckle, turning his burning eyes over towards hers once more. Narrowing them mischievously. "You know, Poppyspark... I've never met a cat like you in the Tides. No one is as lovely and charming as you, that's for sure- And I find myself curious how you came to grace my presence today... Are there not many dashing deputies to talk to in your own kingdom? Or am I just one of many?"

Poppyspark smiled confidently at the tom, listening to him with a purr as he complimented the she cat once again, and then perked her ears when he asked whether there wasn't any dashing deputies to talk to and instantly she raised her head. "Unfortunately," she meowed with an exaggerated sigh. "Our deputy Tatteredpath is the only deputy we have, and he's such a BORE and if you look at his pelt my one questions whether he keeps it clean," then she sat closer to him looking at him again with even more flirtation in her gaze. "Unlike you of course," she purred.

Redwood would keep a smug smirk on his features, flicking his long tail behind him as he considered her words. He couldn't tell if she was being serious, or just wanted to keep him charmed. But he found he didn't care, as long as she kept stroking his ego. "I've met your deputy before... He's a fine fellow but I agree. Quite dull. Not really a charmer is he?" He'd purr, rasping a tongue across his chest fur. "I'm flattered to hear that I've been able to keep your interest, Poppyspark. You've certainly been able to keep mine~hmm..." Redwood would suddenly turn to face his territory sprawled out behind him, brows furrowed deep in thought. He'd contemplate something for a moment before facing the charming little she-cat once more. A mischievous grin spreading across his muzzle. "You know, if we enjoy each other's company so much... perhaps we could meet regularly?" He'd propose, moving to sit down once more in front of her. "No one would have to know... Just two friends meeting at moonlight to get away from the bores of kingdom life... what do you think?" He'd purr, tilting his head down curiously. He would like to speak with her more often, if she was just as willing as he to... bend the rules for a while.

Poppyspark pricked her ears up in interest at what Redwood's offer would be with a look that was also equally mischievous glance at the tom. Then, when he mentioned what it would be, her interest went up ten fold, for any other cat such an offer would be seen as scandalous and downright foolish, even punishable if Maskedflame caught them. However, that was the thing, Poppyspark never cared about staying within the clans, if she saw a cute tom, she would go for them. So deciding on that offer wasn't too hard for her to decide. "That sounds ravishing sir Redwood," she flirted with a purr in her voice. "Maybe we can meet up together tonight?" she asked. "You can pick where we meet up at," she meowed figuring that he would want to decide where the two should go. 

Redwood would shift awkwardly as he waited for Poppyspark's response, suddenly feeling very nervous. What if she wasn't interested? It was a risky offer, one that could get them both into quite a bit of trouble and even jeopardize his rank if it ever came out he was meeting an 'enemy' in secret. And if it went farther than that... that would complicate matters further. But all his concerned broodings would lift off his shoulders at the she-cat's next words. She was just as interested. Eager, even! The tom's grin would return to his muzzle and he'd swish his tail with glee. "Oh, wonderful!" He'd purr, a low chuckle sitting in his chest."I'd love to meet again tonight... I'm already counting the moments." The deputy would contemplate for a moment at the trapper's next words. Where was a proper place to meet with such a wonderful feline... Starclan's peak was an option, but that seemed like too much of a hike for a first meeting... After a moment of pondering, he'd let out a triumphant meow. "How do you feel about Summerset fields? Right along the border in that massive sea of grass. East from Starclan's Peak. It's quite a lovely spot to see the sky. We could find a stone to rest on and watch the stars....get to know each other more..." He'd sigh, catching the she-cats gaze and flashing her a warm smile. "If that sounds alright with you of course, darling~"

"Sounds perfect," the she cat purred with a smirk in her smile. She then stood up, stretched her limbs, then stood back up straight looking at him dead in the eyes with a flirty look. "See you tonight then at Summerset fields," she meowed just as she began to walk away giving him one last wink, until finally turning her attention to her side of the border where she would return to her clan and wait until nightfall where she would meet up again with the handsome deputy tom.

** Redwood would dip his head low and smirk at Poppyspark's flirtatious wink. Offering her one of his own in return. He'd remain sitting upright to watch as the little she-cat crossed back to her side of the border. Before she could get too far he'd call out, "Farewell, Miss Poppyspark. Until tonight!" And then observe with a slight frown as the curly fur of her tail vanished from his gaze. The sudden cold silence was striking, and he found he was already missing her company. He'd remain sitting there for a while longer, reflecting on what had just occurred, then the red tom would rise to his feet once more and turn towards camp. Already eager for the moon to rise so he may begin this new adventure. 


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**= Tesla-Stargrazer

** Kestrelfang's ears still rung with praise as she walked back from the gathering with her clanmates. Her warrior naming had been a complete surprise and she was floating on contentment for the first time in a long while. All four clans had chanted her new name, and what a fierce name it was. It had certainty booster her ego significantly, not that her ego ever needed a boost. She could not wait to tell Twilightpaw! The thought made her skip forward even faster, brushing pelts with some of her clanmates as she rushed to the front. When they had arrived in camp she made her way to the apprentice den immediately, and crept towards Twilightpaw's nest, trying not to wake any other tired apprentices and probably failing in her haste. "Twilight, Twi hey, wake up!" She whispered, prodding the apprentice with a paw.

"Hmm?" Twilightpaw responded with a tone of puzzlement laced in. Twilightpaw had no idea what this constant prodding is, and in any other case she probably would've ignored it, and just went back to sleep. However she kept feeling paws, prodding at the she cat, it was both hard, and very fast. There was clearly a sense of urgency with this prodding, so Twilightpaw decided that maybe it was best to wake up to see who it was. She looked over to her shoulder and instantly any signs of exhaustion was quickly changed to excitement when she saw her best friend looming over her. "Ooooh hiya best friend!" she quickly meowed trying very hard to keep her voice down so the other apprentices could still sleep (though...it probably wasn't working). "Is it morning already? Ooooh it's such a pretty morning!" Twilightpaw rambled her tail swishing back and forth. "How's your morning thus far Kes? You're looking pretty chipper so I'm guessing it must be going well?"

** "Shhh!" She hushed Twilightpaw by putting a paw over her face, there was no easy way to keep words from sweeping out of Twilight's mouth. "It's not morning yet, but I have something to tell you! Come with me, I know where we can talk!" Her short tail twitched with excitement as she led her friend out of the den and back into the well lit night. She blinked a bit, letting her eyes readjust to the moonlight, before beckoning Twilightpaw to follow her out of camp. The other warriors and apprentices were mostly heading straight to bed after their late night at the gathering, and no one paid them mind as the two apprentices slipped out of camp. Kestrelfang led them to a stand of three young trees not too far from camp, one of her personal favorite spots to gather soft moss for her den. She kneaded the moss under her paws excitedly now. "I have HUGE news!! You'll never guess what happened tonight at the gathering!

"Okay!" she meowed or at least attempted to, but her words were quite muffled by Kestrelfang placing a paw across her face. However, Twilightpaw would of course follow her friend closely out of the den, and would continue to walking behind her when Kestrelfang beckon her to follow her. All the while, Twilightpaw would be humming a little tune to herself to help drown out the silence and keep her mind away from how quiet it was outside. Then finally, they finally arrived to a place where three young trees stood and instantly Twilightpaw sat down looking at her friend with curious eyes. Then those eyes became wider when she mentioned about some big news about the gathering. "Oooooh!" she meowed leaning forward with her golden eyes shinning. "What happened Kes?" 

She stood tall and proud and puffed out her chest. “Sootstar gave me my warrior name!” She cried in delight, as if she couldn’t contain the news a second longer. Her eyes twinkling she dipped her head in exaggerated greeting, “nice to meet you, my name is Kestrelfang!!” Starclan her ego was so big. She was going to be a pain to be around for at least another moon if she was going to be this cocky. “Do you like it? The Fang is for my ferocity in battle!”” If she puffed up her chest anymore she might explode. 

At first Twilightpaw just stared, unsure she heard correctly, but when she finally managed to process what Kestrelfang said her gaze instantly beamed up and a smile grew on her face. "Really?" she gasped with excitement. "Oh Kestrelfang I'm so happy for you!" she squeled jumping up and down. "I can't believe it you're a warrior now! Feels like yesterday we were both apprentices and now you're a warrior!" at this point she was pretty much rambling but it was hard not to when you're own best friend had no graduated from being apprentice to warrior. "Oh you're so lucky Kes," she added. "Oooh I hope to become warrior soon, so then we can be warriors together!" 

Yeah!! Actually, I’m surprised you’re not a warrior yet. I’m sure Sootstar will announce your warrior name any day now, then we’ll be warriors together,” she smiled wickedly, “but until then I get to boss you around! As your senior you have to follow my rules now!” She gave a nasty laugh for show, before relaxing. “Only kidding, obviously,” though she would be lying if the thought of being senior to the apprentices didn’t delight her. “How is your training going by the way? Any problems I should know about?” She was starting to get curious now, Twilightpaw should have graduated with her, had Twi run into any hiccups in her training? The thought of going into the warriors den tonight to sleep without her friend at her side made her nervous, though she’d never admit it to Twi. 

Twilightpaw giggled along at Kestrelfang's teasing and just smiled cheerfully at her. In truth, she was glad to have Kestrelfang as a friend, she never had a friend before meeting Kes at least anyone aside from her dad. Often her chattering made a lot of cats avoid her or just get annoyed with her and it got very lonely for Twilightpaw. Then she met Kestrelfang, probably the only she cat she met who didn't outwardly wanted to get rid of her, a cat who didn't get angry at her, and overall seemed to enjoy her company. In truth, she was a friend that Twilightpaw cherished beyond all else. So, though she would never admit it due to not wanting her friend to worry, she will greatly miss having her friend sleeping next to her, and just being able to joke and laugh with each other in the apprentice's den. Then, Kes asked her whether there was any problems with her training, in which Twilightpaw quickly shook her head and gave her friend a reassuring fun. "Nope no problems, actually my training has been going pretty well, and I like my mentor," she added. "Thornleap has been like a big brother to me actually," she continued. "He would offer me to come eat with him and we overall have a nice time together," Now Twilightpaw did have older brothers, but one of them never really talked to her and the other...well...she never really got to see him due to him in another clan. So she really never got to have a older sibling and younger sibling relationship. However, with Thornleap she felt like she had an actual big brother at last.

However, she predicted what Kes would probably say and quickly added: "Honestly, I think the only reason why I'm not a warrior yet is that he wants to make

sure I'm completely ready. Ya know?" she meowed. "I mean, I DO kind of having a reputation of being...how did my stepmom put it? An airhead...whatever that means," she added clearly oblivious to the implication of what her stepmom said to her meant.

Kestrelfang laughed at my that, “I’m not gonna lie, you are an airhead,” she gave her friend a playful fur ruffle with her paw. “And I’m glad your mentoring is going okay, I think you’re more than ready to be a warrior with me.” Something was nagging her though. Squirreltuft had never been a pleasant warrior, always glaring when kits or apprentices got too close, Kes had never liked her. She wondered how Twilight was so cheerful when her mom was such a sourpuss. Her brow furrowed, “Is there something going on with you and Squirreltuft? She’s been... especially mean lately.

Twilightpaw laughed at Kestrelfang playfully ruffling her fur and then just looked at her friend with a beaming grin. Then, she saw her friend's expression become serious and then she asked whether anything was going on with Squirreltuft and Twilightpaw. The black tortishell she cat cocked her head to the side looking at Kestrelfang with a look that was nothing but confusion. "Hmmm I don't think so," she meowed. "I think she's just cranky from mood swings which...from what I heard is a thing that can happen with expecting mothers," she added trying hard to think of anything unusual. However she did think of something. "Though, Mr. Hawkstrike has been visiting often and the two seem to be pretty friendly towards each other," she meowed. "Though I think they're just friends...I mean...she's my dad's mate...she wouldn't be seeing another cat behind his back," she quickly added trying to defend her stepmom. 

She had seen the two warriors in question today, talking intimately near the nursery. If she hadn’t known Squirreltuft was mates with Twi’s father she would have thought Hawkstrike was her mate. “You wouldn’t be defending her if you didn’t have doubts yourself. Think about it Twi, I’m not sure Squirrel has your or your father’s best interests at heart.” She sighs and pressed her back up against one of the small trees, feeling the cool bark under her fur. “It’s just, in my experience perfect little happy families don’t exist, and I don’t want you to be heartbroken and unprepared when the image you have in your head is shattered...” 

Twilightpaw looked at her best friend, for some reason the conversation made her highly uncomfortable, Squirreltuft loved her father, she had to, why else would she want to have Nightspark's kits, let alone agree to be his mate. So it just didn't make sense to her. Do I have doubts? Was the only thing she could think of. Now I just want to defend my stepmon...there's...there's nothing odd with that. However, there was another wierd twist in her gut something that really bugged her. However she smiled at Kestrelfang's concern for her, it was nice that her friend was so worried about her, however she would instead give her a large smile and gently nudged Kes's shoulders teasingly. "Heh you don't have to worry about me, Kes," she laughed. "I doubt anything bad will happen. Honestly I'm more worried about you," Twilightpaw meowed. Then her face grew a bit sad and cocked her head to the side. "Will...will you be alright without me?" she asked sincerely. 

Kestrelfang sighed, “I do worry about you though...” Twilightpaw’s naivety annoyed her sometimes, but right now she could see it was concern rather than irritation she felt. But tonight was not the night to push Twi into thinking more critically about her situation, it was supposed to be a celebration. She tried to pick back up the mood. “Without you? Pffff I’ll be fineee,” she exaggerated, “probably won’t even notice!” She bumped Twilight with her shoulder. “But y’know, it’s late and I haven’t had time to make a nest yet so, I’m sure no one will mind if I spend just one more night in the apprentice den.**”

Twilightpaw giggled when Kestrelfang bumped Twilight's shoulder in which Twilightpaw would do the same thing in return. Then, her ears pricked when Kestrelfang suggested the idea of spending one more night in the apprentice den, then her eyes became even larger than before, and her smile wider. "YAY!" she squealed loudly. "A SLEEPOVER!" Then, all of a sudden without any warning, she just bolted to the direction of Ravenclan all the while yelling: "LAST ONE TO THE DEN IS A ROTTEN EGG!" 

Kestrelfang was stunned speechless for a moment. She laughed in surprise as she stood and charged after her friend. She could let go of her anxiety for one night at least. One more night as an apprentice.

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    * Me=Frogmouth
    ** Hoodedshadows=Cloverspots

** Cloverspots finished burying her meal. It was small, but that was to be expected I guess. Territories have not yet been established, and she wasn't familiar with the area. Sitting down, she'd pat the ground where the bones and fur lay beneath. She didn't need to. She just wanted to. With a yawn, the pale hued canine would stand just as soon as she sat and wander back to where she knew other dogs may be. Well. Dogs from her Clan.Making her way through the shrubs, Cloverspots would be relieved when a couple of her Clanmates were sitting around chatting. Not all with eachother. They were all in groups or alone as well. The lab mix would look around, trying to find someone to chat with.
    * Frogmouth simply stared around at the area with unblinking eyes, at first anyone who would first gaze upon the male would just quickly assume that he was either frozen or maybe just died standing, however if one takes a closer look can see the male was breathing with slight rise of his chest. Frogmouth was just sitting there, gazing around the area, so many dogs were still recovering from what happened, at first Frogmouth couldn't quite believe it himself. It just felt like a dream to him, but with each blink he made and by touching the earth itself to make sure it was truly there and it always resulted in the same thing...it was real. He let out a sigh and hung his head low his unblinking eyes now just gazing at his paws, he felt great amount of shame for leaving his old home for that was the place where his mother was buried and that also included his old best friend Toadpaw. So it felt like he abandoned a part of himself back there...something he'll probably never take back.
    ** Cloverspots eyes stopped on the motionless canine with height on his side. Frogmouth, the canine Cloverspots had targeted, wasn't a Clanmate Cloverspots talked to often. Or at all. She knew his name, and his tendency to just sit there like stone. The light hued dog would approach, first appearing to move past him before turning and walking his way. This was to avoid startling Frogmouth. If he ever got startled. Cloverspots wanted to make sure he saw her coming instead of just coming up behind him, because she didn't really know what this dog was like... Hopefully that will change. "Hello Frogmouth!" She'd yap cheerfully, refusing to sit until she was certain Frogmouth was willing to chat. She didn't want to force anything. He just looked lonely sitting by himself.
  * Frogmouth didn't blink when he heard the sound of Cloverspots yapping, in fact at first, it almost seemed like he didn't hear her. However he began to slowly raise his head and just stared at her...Frogmouth's gaze still unblinking and almost cold like. By the look on her face she seemed to be eager to talk to him, to actually want to sit next with him, and though the dog preferred to sit by himself just so he could have a clear set of mind he couldn't help but give in for her desire. So he made the simple response of: "Hey," He sounded disinterested though that wasn't entirely the truth, but he wasn't quite sure what he truly wanted to do since his mind still reeled towards some of his dead family members back at the old island.
    ** Cloverspots tail swished from side to side for only a split second. By his reaction, the light hued canine assumed he didn't want to talk. But, he said yes anyways. Slowly sitting down, she was suddenly at a loss for words. Looking around for a few heartbeats, Cloverspots would try to find something to say. Now it was awkward. 'Lets not talk about the island... That may be a sensitive topic so...' She thought to herself. Thinking harder and yelling at herself in the process for being so forgetful, she'd become a bit anxious. Now Frogmouth thought she was weird! 'No, you're just panicking and it' making you sit here in silence longer' Cloverspots scolded herself. Finally, she found the words. An explanation of why she was here! "I thought you looked lonely here by yourself... So I thought you could use some company?" She stated that more of as a question than a statement. Oops.
    * Frogmouth noticed that the she dog was looking very anxious about something, probably had NO idea what to say to the mammoth sized canine. She probably thought he thought she was weird...this was half true, but to be fair he was quite strange as well and he'd be a large hypocrite to say otherwise. So he just continued to look down at her unblinking. Gazing down at her with concentration and his mouth set in a emotionless thin line. Finally, the she dog managed to speak, saying that she wished to join him for company, which left him perplexed. Did he truly want some company right now? He was still trying to process what has happened and was in the process of grieving for the island, but he could almost hear his uncle nagging him to say yes and telling Frogmouth it'd be good for him. So finally after a minute he nodded his head slowly and then said: "Sure."
    ** Cloverspots allowed her tail to swish back and forth momentarily once again as Frogmouth agreed to 'company.' His reply felt delayed and unenthusiastic, but she didn't mind. Or didn't show it anyways. "Would you like to go for a walk and explore?" Cloverspots barked, her head tilting slightly. She hoped Frogmouth would say yes. Or rather, 'sure.' Cloverspots was still at a loss for words or a topic of conversation. The very size of the canine and his mood had left the light hued she-dog speechless. She did also walk into this battle unprepared... Her tail would begin to wag as she waited for the spotted brute's answer.
    * Frogmouth just continued to stare at her, thinking on what to say next, did he want to go for a walk. Well, it probably would help him keep his mind off of some things, and may it would be a good time to get some exercise. So just like before the large canine blinked at her a couple of times then nodded his large head ever so slowly. "Sure...why not," he began to stand up as well and began to slowly walk away to what he had no idea anywhere but here of course.
    ** Cloverspots didn't say anything after Frogmouth answered. She only leaped to her paws and hurried to follow him. Wait... Was she supposed to lead him around, or the other way around? Her mind went in circles as the lab mix tried to figure out what to do in the situation. 'I'll just walk right next to him, and we'll follow eachother' was her plan. "So!" She started cheerfully in attempted to bring to mood to a happier level. "Catch any big prey recently? Y'know. Something that you're proud of?" This was her attempt to get the larger canine to atleast look a little happy. Maybe if she got him to talk about something he was proud of she would raise his spirits! It looks like that's what he needs, but the question is if he'd allow it.
    * Frogmouth just kept on walking, his brown gaze just staring coldly toward the distance, and his mouth remainded in a cold looking frown. There was to much on his mind to really think of anything else, so when she asked him the question, he at first just remained silent, with his gaze still towards the distance. Finally after processing her question he spoke, in once again another disinterested and stone hard voice said: "Not as of this moment, I've been to busy trying to flee from that lava back at our old home, and been to busy thinking on what Shadowclan will do after we've found our new home,"
    ** The answer Frogmouth gave was the one thing Cloverspots didn't want. She wanted to distract him and herself from the island. How stupid she could be. She should've known that would be the answer. Letting her gaze slowly move towards the larger canine, she'd feel a pain of guilt when she noticed his frown. Maybe she could fix it? "Oh. Well. That's okay. And don't worry!" She began to be cheerful. It was fake, but she was trying to turn that frown upside down."ShadowClan will be fine! We can overcome anything. If we work together," the lab mix yapped with a big smile. Staring at Frogmouth, waiting for approval.
    * Her optimism was certainly impressive, he never thought any dog would every TRY to be optimistic after everything that they just went through. He bet that if a tsunami came to wipe all of them out Cloverspots would STILL find some sort of way to be hopeful. Then he looked down at the she dog and she could tell from the smile on her face that she was awaiting his response, hoping for some sort of approval. I might as well throw her a bone. He thought to himself while letting out a low soft sigh. I mean, she really is trying hard. So he finally nodded his head respectfully towards her. "Yeah, I suppose your right," his voice was gruff when he said this but still there was a kindness in it too. He truly was trying to see the bright side to, but unlike Cloverspots...it wasn't easy to him.
    ** His gruff voice didn't bother Cloverspots. She figured that was just Frogmouth being Frogmouth. Her smile grew even wider when the larger canine agreed with her. "Maybe we could find some prey for the Clan? Y'know, get everyone happy and hopeful again?" The lab mix yipped, her head cocking to the left as she looked up at the larger canine. Hunting would keep her mind off the island and keep her positive. Maybe Frogmouth too. But maybe food will help the sad Clan dogs feel better. If Frogmouth wished, it could only be for ShadowClan instead of all the Clans. That may help ShadowClan feel united. Wow! Hunting was a great idea. Thinking about hunting and the outcomes if food was actually caught made Cloverspots mouth water. She hoped Frogmouth would agree.
    * "Sure...that sounds nice," he woofed politely. Maybe a good hunt would help keep his mind off things and maybe, maybe, he'll find himself with a smile again. I'm just wondering what we'll find here. He thought to himself curiously. Will we find new animals here or will we end up finding creatures here? Well whatever it was Frogmouth was just itching to do SOMETHING to keep his mind off of somethings. "However," he warned towards Cloverspots. "We must be VERY careful, who knows what we'll find here and it doesn't help that we're on an entire new island,"
    ** Cloverspots smiled as Frogmouth agreed. "Good! It'll be good to do something normal," the lab mix yipped. She planned to wander with Frogmouth a little more ways before smelling for anything. It wasn't likely that prey would be so close to such a large population of dogs. They would need to keep moving away. As they moved, Frogmouth pointed out the potential danger. How could she forget? 'Stupid Cloverspots. You should have thought of that y'know! You're lucky Frogmouth isn't so forgetful,' the light hued dog scolded herself with a nod towards the great dane mix. "Yes, we must. We don't know what kind of prey, predators, or even maybe other dogs, may be lurking around here. Good thing you're so big! With the both of us, we could give a threat a scare! Maybe..." That last 'maybe' was a mumble to herself. She was just trying to add some hype and happiness to their adventure. But Frogmouth seemed like a logical realist, meaning he would probably make her claim more realistic.
    *Frogmouth looked down at Cloverspots as she agreed with him then ending her sentence with a mumble. He appreciated the she dog for trying to be so positive during such a dark time. Not a lot of dogs had this type of ability so a dog being able to find some way to bring some positivity to such a dark time was quite remarkable. If only I can feel the same way. He thought to himself sadly. However he shook the thought away and began to focus all of his attention to their hunting. At first the only thing he could smell was nothing but the other clans, if there was one thing that was annoying about being clustered together was that all the different smells was distracting. However, he soon caught the scent of something. He looked at Cloverspots and flicked his tail towards her signaling that he caught the smell of something. It's impressive they caught the smell of something, maybe, just maybe their day was turning all around.
    ** Cloverspots said nothing more as she too began to focus on hunting. She had suggested hunting after all. That meant no more talking and she wasn't about to break that rule. Lowering her head to try and catch any scent of prey, she'd wander a little ways from Frogmouth. Now that they weren't side by side, they may have a better chance of catching something. Luckily she had lifted her head to see if Frogmouth had caught anything when he made his gesture. He had! Opening her maw and letting her tongue fall out in excitement, she'd quietly trot over to the larger dog. At this point, she'd allow him to fully take the lead. She figured that whatever Frogmouth had scented, he could take it! He was a big dog. Maybe she could chase the prey and he could catch it? Ooh! Excitement pushed through her mind as she began to think of taking down some prey. It was thrilling to be doing something normal again!
    *Frogmouth narrowed his eyes upon the creature that stood before them, it looked like a quail though it seemed like it was seperated from it's group. However, he didn't mind, for it meant that it would be easier for the both of them to capture their meal. So, the large dog laid his body down into the hunters crouch, and simply waited. He sat their patiently as the quail kept moving around clearly oblivious to what was going on, then he dug his claws into the earth, and narrowed his eyes even more with great concentration. Still the quail didn't move. Then, Frogmouth leaped at the creature, with his paws outstretched, the bird tried to get away but it was all in vain. For he easily grabbed the creature by the neck and gave it the killing bite. It didn't stood a chance against him.
    ** Now that the prey was in sight, Cloverspots would take a step back to let Frogmouth take over. It was small and didn't need two dogs to accomplish a kill. Frogmouth was surprisingly fast to Cloverspots. She had expected him to be a bit slower considering his size, but she had assumed wrong. After the creature had been killed, the light hued canine wanted to loudly congratulate her hunting partner. But Cloverspots thought better of it. More prey could be around, and if they weren't spooked by the sound of an animal squealing before death than her yelling would. Instead, she just smiled widely and wagged her tail at the speed of a helicopter propeller. But her congratulations ended sooner than she would like due to the fact they still needed to hunt. She wanted to catch something! So, the mildly spotted dog would trot off to go and scent her own prey.
    * Frogmouth placed the quail down to the ground and then looked towards Cloverspots, observering her. It was clear she decided to try to find prey of her own, though it made him nervous, not that she was a bad hunter, but more of the fact that they were on new territory, and there could be troubles at every turn. However, he didn't wish to interupt her concentration, and just decided to keep a look out in the area, to make sure that there was nothing that would prove fatal to the two of them. As he gazed around the area the more he realized how different it was from the old island, everything about this place was new and strange, and it just made him realize he was far from the home he once knew and loved. He wished that things could've stayed the same, he even wished he never grew up, because it seemed like his childhood ended when his brother died, maybe even before that with the death of their mother. Either way, it made him long for the more simple days. However there was nothing he could do so...he suppose he should try to accept it.
    ** Cloverspots continued to smell around. She wasn't having much success but that didn't discourage her. Actually, she was so concentrated she forgot she had a hunting partner. All that was on her mind was catching something. It took a bit, but Cloverspots was finally able to catch the scent of something. It was a crow by the smell of it. Crouching low, the light hued canine would stalk forward until she could see the bird. It was pecking at the ground. Most likely looking for something to eat, or it already found something. Squinting, she would judge the distance of the bird and her position. Everything seemed good to go so... She pounced. Rushing out of the foliage she would leap into the air as the crow began to take flight. But she was a hair too late and the crow flew to safety. Cawwing away to alert other prey that danger was present. Sitting her rump on the ground, the lab mix would make a "hmph" noise as she watched the crow sit in the tree mockingly. How rude that crow was.
    * Frogmouth turned his attention to Cloverspots who was beginning to stalk something and it took him just a simple turn of the head to see it was. Clearly it was a crow and at first, it was just standing there clearly trying to find some sort of grub to eat. At first she seemed to be doing everything right, the proper crouch position, and all that. In fact she didn't do anything wrong, really the only problem was that the crow had that obnoxious ability that none could beat. The ability to fly. It managed to fly away from Cloverspots and flew onto a tree away from the she dog. Honestly, the seen was actually...funny, espically with how the crow was looking down at her, and for once during this whole situation...he began to laugh. It was a large laugh that could make mountains shake and one would most likely be able to hear it MILES away. It was the rarest type of laugh it was the sincere laugh.
    ** Cloverspots perked her ears and turned her head towards the sound of laughter. Though she wasn't exactly happy about her situation, it brought a smile to her face to see the grumpy man laughing. A chuckle released from her maw as she stood up to pad over to the larger dog. "I guess that is pretty funny!" Cloverspots yapped, just happy that she was doing some good for Frogmouth. He seemed so sad all of the time. In all honestly, the pale canine thought that Frogmouth would fall over he was laughing so hard. The lab mix decided not to speak anymore and just smile and laugh along with Frogmouth. If she spoke, she could ruin his shining moment!
    * Frogmouth honestly couldn't stop laughing, the sight was so hilarious, he just couldn't take it, and honestly he was pretty certain he would DIE from laughter if he didn't stop soon. He just had to at least try he realized so after what felt like an eternity of laughing and hurting his sides, he FINALLY tamed his laughter, and looked back at Cloverspots, this time the smile didn't fade away, another rare thing. "I'm so sorry," he chuckled still finding himself some laughter after that whole situation. "That was rude of me," He just hoped she wasn't offended for him laughing, it was just...to amusing for him to stand.
    ** Cloverspots smile grew when Frogmouth attempted to contain his laughter and turn his attention her way and apologize. There was no need for an apology, it was rather hilarious. And if he meant 'sorry for taking up time' it was worth it. He was smiling and happy! She had found him frowning and terrible down, down, in the dumps. "Don't apologize! It was pretty funny," the lab mix responded. Her smile was glued to her face. Yes she had lost the prey and that was always a bum moment, but she put that behind her. Everyone loses prey. You lose more than you catch anyway. She would just have to try again. "I guess I should go try and catch something... Again. Hopefully this time it won't make fun of me if I miss!" She joked, beginning to take in smell in hopes of finding new prey.
    * "Or run away from you," he added still chuckling from what he just witnessed. He just couldn't stop chuckling from what he just saw but he knew that eventually he had to stop since they HAD to hunt for the clan, and him chuckling would probably stir up the prey and make them run away. So after a few minutes of laughing he FINALLY contained his laughter and began to look around the area. Thus far it didn't seem like there was anything practically amazing all he really saw was really shrubbery and tall weary old trees. However he knew that there had too be something they could hunt so he just waited with his eyes gazing at every direction and his ears perked.
    ** "Prey always runs. You just have to be quick enough it can't," Cloverspots added, turning around to go search for prey. They'd have to move away from this area since the crow had spotted her. Its warning call would alert any prey around. "We should head North and see what we can find. There should be more prey deeper into the island, we just shouldn't go too far," the lab mix woofed. Taking the lead, she'd begin her trek into the unknown wilderness. There was a thick forest ahead, and it gave Cloverspots an eerie feeling. Her head lowered in nervousness and she became tense. But she continued to move forward. She'd have to get used to this island, and even though ShadowClan used to have thick trees it still scared her. Those trees were familiar, while these were not. It gave her comfort to have Frogmouth around.
    * "Sounds like a reasonable idea," Frogmouth responded when she suggested they go north, and with no hesitation followed close behind her. He mostly followed her silently, keeping his gaze focused on the area around him, hoping that maybe he could catch some sort of sight of any prey like a bird or something. Then he began to taste the area around them, still nothing, but he shouldn't be to surprise, with so many new dogs arriving, the little critters probably just hid themselves away hoping to get away from any of the new arrivals. However either way, it wouldn't really matter, because they would still catch them, and feast on them when the day is through.
    ** Taking a deep inhale through the nose, she would smell nothing. Squinting in distaste for the situation, Cloverspots would continue to move forward. She was no longer paying attention to Frogmouth, and staying more focused on prey. She wanted to catch something! It didn't matter if Frogmouth caught more than her as long as she contributed. Sticking her nose into everything, she'd still fail to find a scent. The only scents catching her attention were the unfamiliar scents of the island. Scents she imagined she would get used to some day. Hopefully anyway. "Are you finding anything, Frogmouth?" The lab mix whispered to him, just in case he did find something. She wouldn't want him to lose his prey because she couldn't find any!
    * He shook his head solemnly as he continued to gaze around the area, keeping his sharp, and focused. "Nothing yet," he woofed. He hoped there would be SOME sign of prey, but thus far the amount of prey has been scare, and only so far it seemed like Frogmouth found one prey but nothing else. I would've hoped we would find some prey but probably do the the new dogs arriving they've all been scared away! he thought too himself. I hope we can find more prey before the end of the day because certainly Shadowclan will need more prey to fill everyone's bellies. Espically after what we just endured.
    ** Cloverspots made a soft 'hmm' sound when Frogmouth confirmed her suspicions. Nothing was stirring. The lab mix was beginning to get frustrated when motion caught her attention. Whipping her head towards the disturbance in the foliage, she'd instantly crouch down. Cloverspots didn't know exactly what she was hunting, but she was going to get it! Stalking closer and closer, the canine prepared the pounce. It wasn't long before she did. Springing forward she would lunge head first into the foliage. Probably not the smartest move, considering she grabbed a coati by the rump. A squeal of surprise erupted from the foliage and the small mammal twisted backward and latched right onto her nose. Cloverspots let go of the animal with a yelp, which caused the coati to release its grip. But Cloverspots was determined not to let another animal get away! The lab mix lunged again, this time grabbing the head of the animal. Lifting it off the ground, she would shake her head from side to side violently until the animal went limp. Dropping her prize onto the ground, she would wipe her tongue across her now bleeding nose. Mission accomplished!    
Frogmouth would watch as Cloverspots now seemingly found something that probably was prey, and soon it would seem that the tiny prey would notice as well and begin to flee.
Frogmouth watched as Cloverspots went on full pursuit and at first Frogmouth was considering helping the poor she dog get the prey so it didn't run away like the last one did. However, soon the lab mix would return and would place the dead creature on the ground. Frogmouth stared at the prey and then looked at the she dog clearly with the face expression of being VERY impressed. "Heh, very well done Cloverspots," he woofed with a small smile. "A catch well done," he added.
    ** Cloverspots gave Frogmouth a big smile when he praised her. "Thanks!" She yapped, drawing her tongue across her nose once again. It really hurt, but she was trying to pretend nothing happened. "I finally caught something," the lab mix barked happily. Picking up her prize and proudly trotting her way over to Frogmouth. Dropping it at his paws, she'd begin to speak. "I don't know what else we'll find. It's so barren here, and we've been wandering around for a long time! What do you think we should do? This isn't enough prey to really feed more than two dogs... But what else are we going to find?" Cloverspots finished. Giving the large great dane the responsibility of deciding their next move. 'Two should be enough right? We aren't feeding all four Clans just ours... And others are hunting aswell...' Cloverspots' mind began to wander. She wasn't paying attention anymore and wouldn't hear if Frogmouth said anything. She was too busy thinking!
    * Frogmouth hummed a little as he began to scan the area, in truth she was right, where they were at was quite barren, or at least didn't have a lot of animals. Then he also turned his attention to the sun, it looked like it was getting close to dark, and if there was one thing they shouldn't be doing is leaving the group while it's becoming dark. "Hmmm I think for now we should get the prey we caught, leave, and get back to the clans," he woofed now starting to turn away all the while grabbing his prey. "It looks like it's getting dark and who knows what creatures could be living here," he waited for Cloverspot's reaction and once he saw she was ready he began to head out, his direction back to the clans.
    ** "That's a good idea," Cloverspots woofed, turning her attention to the setting sun. Grabbing her catch she'd quickly fall into line with Frogmouth. A little hop as her starting step. "We'll just have to hope the other dogs that are hunting caught more than we did. Maybe it's just bad luck. It happens," the lab mix shrugged. Soon after her comment, Cloverspots quickened her pace into a trot. This new island made her nervous and she just wanted to get back. At this pace, they'll be there in no time.

    The End
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Good News?? (PoppyxRed RP) by Tigerstorm136, journal

Flirts (Poppyspark x Redwood rp) by Tigerstorm136, journal

Two Friends Chilling (Twi and Kes RP) by Tigerstorm136, journal

Hunting (Clover and Frog RP) by Tigerstorm136, journal

A Warrior's Death Finale by Tigerstorm136, journal